Friday, September 25, 2009

Fear of Talking Too Much

When has one said enough?

There is always the fear

Of talking too much.

Oftentimes we wonder

About the consequences of what we speak.

What impact does it have

On the human, listening mind?

Do we really see, what we’re seeing?

Questions are asked,

Answers sought,

Placating required,

What do we say?

The truth?

Or a sympathetic lie?

How much of our emotions,

Do we genuinely feel?

Can we ever own up,

To all our emotions,

Without abashment?

We can be harsh,

In our surmises of loved ones.

Do they deserve it,

When we discuss them?

How much of truth,

Can we experience,

To be able to put it in words,

The inerasable multi-syllabic notes,

Which shall always ring in the ethers.

Vibrating…for good, for bad,

Or for worse?


wallpaper said...

ah...the stuff that gentle and necessary lies are made of...!!

Sara said...

From the little lies that act as balms for scars to the ones that save our skins. I often wonder if people would just ever say what's on their mind.